Tuesday, June 4, 2013


As I keep saying...."We only started out with two!"  

We have 3 inside/outside house cats and WAY too many outside/barn cats.

This is Barn Cat Connie (named by granddaughter Brooklyn) who apparently has decided to share her mom duties.  This afternoon she brought all FOUR up on the side porch and settled right in, so of course I had to fix them a scrambled egg with a little cream in it and make them a little nest box so they'll be safe and comfy.

Anyone need a good mouser complete with family?


  1. Well of course you did! They are beautiful. That Connie puts some color in them doesn't she?

    1. I LOVE the calico ones! Connie is such a good mom and almost the friendliest barn cat I've ever had - she is sure skinny feeding all those mouths! The kittens are becoming very brave and scampering all over the porch. Poor Riley dog is so reluctant and nervous (because mom hissed at her) she has to come in and out the back door:)
