Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Red clover buds picked this morning in the hay fields to dry with peppermint leaves for yummy tea.

  • Red Clover Tea appears to reduce bad cholesterol levels. 
  • Red Clover Tea may help reduce the build-up of plaque that contributes to heart disease.
  • Red Clover Tea may help in the flow of blood to the arteries and to the veins. 
  • Red Clover Tea may help delay bone loss due to osteoporosis. 
  • Red Clover Tea may help in treating inflammation and infection.  
Red clover and peppermint tea: A yummy blend to try is red clover and peppermint. Mix 1 cup red clover blossoms with 2 tablespoons mint leaves, add 4 cups near boiling water, cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that fitbit is helping you! Good to have you in the blogging community. I hope it's OK that I added your blog to my sidebar.
